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Košata Jan 1858.jpg

Jan Nepomucký Košata1858

Jan Nepomucký Košata
Birth May 24, 1858 23 21

Birth of a sisterAnna Košatová
December 21, 1863 (Age 5 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death of a sisterAnna Košatová
May 22, 1864 (Age 5 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death of a paternal grandmotherAnna Vokounová
September 8, 1865 (Age 7 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Birth of a brotherVít Košata
June 16, 1866 (Age 8 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death of a brotherVít Košata
October 12, 1866 (Age 8 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Birth of a sisterFrantiška Košatová
January 25, 1869 (Age 10 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death of a sisterFrantiška Košatová
May 22, 1869 (Age 10 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death of a paternal grandfatherJakub Košata
October 25, 1876 (Age 18 years)
Soběšín 22
Latitude: N49.801914 Longitude: E14.967118

Death of a motherAnna Pěnkavová
March 27, 1877 (Age 18 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Marriage of a parentFrantišek KošataKateřina MelichnováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
July 24, 1877 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a half-brotherAntonín Košata
June 20, 1878 (Age 20 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death of a half-brotherAntonín Košata
October 9, 1878 (Age 20 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Birth of a half-sisterBarbora Košatová
January 2, 1880 (Age 21 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Birth of a half-sisterAntonie Košatová
December 18, 1881 (Age 23 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Civil marriageMarie VorbesováView this family
November 5, 1883 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
Josef Košata
December 27, 1884 (Age 26 years)
Český Šternberk 24
Latitude: N49.808384 Longitude: E14.932201

Birth of a daughter
Žofie Košatová
June 20, 1886 (Age 28 years)
Černé Budy 63
Latitude: N49.877682 Longitude: E14.897253

Death of a daughterŽofie Košatová
October 25, 1886 (Age 28 years)
Český Šternberk 24
Latitude: N49.808384 Longitude: E14.932201

Birth of a daughter
Marie Košatová
July 7, 1889 (Age 31 years)
Rataje nad Sázavou 5
Latitude: N49.8251 Longitude: E14.947916

Death of a daughterMarie Košatová
January 31, 1890 (Age 31 years)
Rataje nad Sázavou 5
Latitude: N49.8251 Longitude: E14.947916

Birth of a son
František Košata
September 8, 1892 (Age 34 years)
Rataje nad Sázavou 5
Latitude: N49.8251 Longitude: E14.947916

Civil marriageRozálie ŠtellováView this family
September 19, 1904 (Age 46 years)
Marriage of a childJosef KošataJosefa BišickáView this family
Type: Civil marriage
July 27, 1913 (Age 55 years)
Marriage of a childFrantišek KošataPavlina Josefa BurešováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
September 23, 1918 (Age 60 years)
Death of a brotherFrantišek Vojtěch Košata
August 26, 1919 (Age 61 years)
Vlašim 170
Latitude: N49.703106 Longitude: E14.888753

Death of a sonJosef Košata
July 11, 1970 (Age 112 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1855
11 years
younger brother
-3 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
-13 years
elder brother
2 years
Father’s family with Kateřina Melichnová - View this family
Marriage: July 24, 1877Radošovice
4 years
-2 years
-18 months
Family with Marie Vorbesová - View this family
Marriage: November 5, 1883Divišov
6 years
Marie Košatová
Birth: July 7, 1889 31 35Rataje nad Sázavou 5
Death: January 31, 1890Rataje nad Sázavou 5
-3 years
Žofie Košatová
Birth: June 20, 1886 28 32Černé Budy 63
Death: October 25, 1886Český Šternberk 24
6 years
Family with Rozálie Štellová - View this family
Marriage: September 19, 1904Sadská
Alois Hončík + Rozálie Štellová - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: May 14, 1883Sadská


Povolání: mlynářský tovaryš, stárek Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Bílkovice 43 Černé Budy 63 Rataje 52, 5 Třebestovice 11, 17 Český Šternberk 24 Počet dětí: 5

Zdroj: * Radošovice 05 Pg 130 o Divišov 33 Pg 59 o Sadská 45 Pg 82

Media objectKošata Jan 1858.jpg
Košata Jan 1858.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 4 KB
Note: Košata Jan 1858