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Catharina Zimermann1849

Catharina Zimermann
Birth February 26, 1849 36 30
Praha-Smíchov 27
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a brotherAloys Zimermann
January 28, 1851 (Age 23 months)
Praha-Smíchov 27
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a brotherAnton Zimermann
May 15, 1853 (Age 4 years)
Praha-Smíchov 27
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a sisterAnna Zimermann
January 21, 1857 (Age 7 years)
Praha-Smíchov 56
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death of a sisterAnna Zimermann
December 3, 1857 (Age 8 years)
Praha-Smíchov 173
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Marriage of parentsJosef ZimermannBarbara Anna BišickáView this family
December 19, 1925 (Age 76 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 15, 1846
Marriage: December 19, 1925Mladá Boleslav
10 years
younger sister
Anna Zimermann
Birth: January 21, 1857 44 38Praha-Smíchov 56
Death: December 3, 1857Praha-Smíchov 173
-4 years
younger brother
-2 years
younger brother
-23 months
-23 months
elder brother
-4 years
elder sister


Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Praha-Smíchov 27

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