Verner rodokmen

Catharina Kwerka1822

Catharina Kwerka
Birth 1822
Latitude: N50.069042 Longitude: E14.338459

Civil marriageWenzel BišickýView this family
September 10, 1843 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Johana Barbara Bišická
April 13, 1844 (Age 22 years)
Praha-Smíchov 54
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death of a daughterJohana Barbara Bišická
August 6, 1844 (Age 22 years)
Praha-Smíchov 54
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Barbara Bišická
May 31, 1845 (Age 23 years)
Praha-Smíchov 24
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Johana Bišická
April 9, 1849 (Age 27 years)
Praha-Smíchov 24
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death of a husbandWenzel Bišický
October 11, 1850 (Age 28 years)
Praha-Smíchov 198
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127
