Jan KulhánekAge: 2 years1787–1789
- Name
- Jan Kulhánek
Birth | February 9, 1787 25 21 |
Death of a father | Jiří Kulhánek April 28, 1789 (Age 2 years) |
Death | June 13, 1789 (Age 2 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jiří Kulhánek Birth: April 27, 1761 40 45 — Rohoznice Death: April 28, 1789 — Rohoznice 38 |
mother |
Kateřina Španihelová Birth: January 25, 1766 — Rohoznice Death: July 3, 1830 — Rohoznice 31 |
Marriage: October 8, 1786 — Rohoznice |
4 months himself |
Jan Kulhánek Birth: February 9, 1787 25 21 — Rohoznice 12 Death: June 13, 1789 — Rohoznice 38 |
3 years younger brother |
Jiří Kulhánek Birth: September 9, 1789 28 23 — Rohoznice 33 Death: July 1, 1847 — Rohoznice 36 |
Mother’s family with Karel Janeček |
step-father |
Karel Janeček Birth: 1768 — Rohoznice Death: February 18, 1837 |
mother |
Kateřina Španihelová Birth: January 25, 1766 — Rohoznice Death: July 3, 1830 — Rohoznice 31 |
Marriage: January 28, 1793 — |
15 years half-sister |
Marie Janečková Birth: December 29, 1807 39 41 — Rohoznice 31 Death: October 16, 1808 |
-4 years half-sister |
Barbora Janečková Birth: October 29, 1803 35 37 Death: March 12, 1810 |
-2 years half-brother |
Jan Janeček Birth: July 7, 1801 33 35 |
-5 years half-sister |
Anna Janečková Birth: February 4, 1796 28 30 |
-2 years half-sister |
Kateřina Janečková Birth: November 14, 1793 25 27 — Rohoznice 10 |
Note | Vzdělání: Povolání: Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Rohoznice 12, 38 Věk: 2 Příčina úmrtí: psotník Hřbitov: Zdroj: * Matrika 101-7 Pg 320 https://matriky.online/zamrsk/101-00007/320/#zoom=1.240&x=0.740&y=0.654 + Matrika 101-14 Pg 173 https://matriky.online/zamrsk/101-00014/173/#zoom=2.271&x=0.644&y=0.157 |