Verner rodokmen

Barbora Kulhánková1826

Barbora Kulhánková
Birth August 30, 1826 36 35
Rohoznice 88
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035

Death of a paternal grandmotherKateřina Španihelová
July 3, 1830 (Age 3 years)
Rohoznice 31
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035

Birth of a sisterFranziska Kulhánková
January 19, 1831 (Age 4 years)
Rohoznice 89
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035

Death of a sisterFranziska Kulhánková
February 3, 1832 (Age 5 years)
Rohoznice 27
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035

Death of a fatherJiří Kulhánek
July 1, 1847 (Age 20 years)
Rohoznice 36
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035

Death of a motherAnna Dufková
May 11, 1850 (Age 23 years)
Rohoznice 24/50
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035


Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 22, 1819Rohoznice
11 years
younger sister
-4 years
-7 years
elder sister
-2 years
elder brother


Vzdělání: Povolání: Náboženství: katolické Křtiny: Bydliště: Rohoznice 88 Počet dětí: Věk: Hřbitov:


Matrika 101-11 Pg 90