Stanislav KulhánekAge: 110 years1915–
- Name
- Stanislav Kulhánek
Birth | March 5, 1915 30 28 |
Birth of a brother | - Kulhánek February 6, 1917 (Age 23 months) |
Death of a brother | - Kulhánek February 6, 1917 (Age 23 months) |
Birth of a sister | Růžena Kulhánková July 20, 1918 (Age 3 years) |
Civil marriage | Božena Němečková — View this family April 26, 1942 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a brother | Oldřich Kulhánek October 22, 1990 (Age 75 years) |
deceased |
Family with parents |
father |
Josef Kulhánek Birth: March 19, 1884 37 33 — Nové Hradiště 2 okr. Pardubice Death: Lány u Dašic |
mother |
Anna Siručková Birth: February 24, 1887 — Borek 6 okr. Pardubice |
Marriage: January 19, 1908 — |
sister | |
younger brother |
- Kulhánek Birth: February 6, 1917 32 29 Death: February 6, 1917 |
-23 months himself |
Stanislav Kulhánek Birth: March 5, 1915 30 28 |
-2 years elder brother |
Josef Kulhánek Birth: January 8, 1913 28 25 — Koloděje 42 okr. Pardubice |
-5 years elder sister |
Anna Kulhánková Birth: July 20, 1908 24 21 — Koloděje 17 okr. Pardubice |
10 years younger sister |
Růžena Kulhánková Birth: July 20, 1918 34 31 — Koloděje 17 okr. Pardubice |
-7 years elder brother |
Birth: February 8, 1911 26 23 — Koloděje 42 okr. Pardubice Death: October 22, 1990 — Praha |
Family with Božena Němečková |
himself |
Stanislav Kulhánek Birth: March 5, 1915 30 28 |
wife |
Božena Němečková Birth: Kolín |
Marriage: April 26, 1942 — Kolín |
Note | Vzdělání: Povolání: Náboženství: katolické Křtiny: 14 MAR 1913 Bydliště: Počet dětí: Věk: Hřbitov: Zdroj: * Matrika 6562 Pg 159 (not online) |